Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why are you NOT using stories in your marketing!

Think back to your college days.  Do you remember your favorite lecture?  The answer is probably no but then again maybe.  To this day there is one lecture from college I remember; in fact it’s the only lecture I remember, and it wasn’t a lecture at all; it was a story.  

I won’t go into much detail because frankly it’s not appropriate for this blog.  However I can tell you the story was about how a fellow student got her boyfriend to quit smoking.

I use this example because this professor whose name I can’t recall got his message across in a way that still sticks with me today.  It stuck because he told a GREAT story! 

Stories are how we remember our lives and how we are remembered.  So why should how we remember a company or product be any different?  In my opinion the best teachers, politicians and yes sales people have one thing in common, their GREAT story tellers!  

Again, why are you not using stories in your marketing! (Rhetorical hence no ?)   

Billy Mays…..remember him? 

“Hi! Billy Mays here, with……!” 

I bet if you couldn’t place his name that short little sentence he used to start every one of his infomercials jarred your memory.   

Whether or not you thought Billy Mays was annoying, Billy was a master story teller.   He did what we all should be doing as marketers; he created “WOW” moments.  

These “WOW” moments came when that “Super Powered Epoxy” known as Mighty Putty had the power to pull an 80 thousand pound truck, or when OXI Clean instantly removed a wine stain from a white carpet. 

My challenge to you is find your companies “WOW” moment!

Do you think Billy would have been able to create his “WOW” moments with text on a website or brochure?  NO! Billy showed every one of us exactly what his products could do through video!  “I’ll believe it when I see it!” Well Billy showed the world and millions continue to buy his products years after his death.  

The good thing is “WOW” moments come in all forms.  Millions of Americans watch shows on how products are made, could this be where we find your “WOW” moment?  Or how about and inspiring story from a happy customer or challenge your business has overcome…don’t forget everyone loves an underdog.  

Your “WOW” moment is out there we just have to find it.  

John LaBerge- Founder Press Media Communications
If you have not figured out the message my professor was trying convey...email me I won't bust your chops too much.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Want results? Keep your corporate video short!

I can’t stress this enough! And although keeping a video under two minutes seems easy to do, in reality it’s one of the hardest parts of telling a story, especially a corporate story.  

60%! Once your video hits the 2 minute mark more than half your audience has tuned out!

Wistia, an online video hosting site (Competitor of YouTube) says videos under 30 seconds have close to a 90% completion rate.   75% of online viewers will watch a video all the way to the end if it’s less than 2 minutes.

Here are some tips I have learned as a news reporter.  

(1)    Don’t burry the lead:  People’s attention span is low! Give the viewer a reason to watch within the first few seconds.   If you don’t you can kiss that potential customer goodbye! See ya!

(2)    Cut the corporate talk:  “Leverage” “optimize” “utilization” this is business talk and has no place in your videos! I repeat it has NO PLACE in your videos!  Police are the best at "corporate talk";  however in the news world we call it “cop talk”.  “Citizen”, “alleged”, “victim” all examples of “cop talk”.  This descriptive-but-vague-impersonal language has the power to kill any story! 

(3)    Video is emotional:  remember video can build an emotional connection with an audience.  When I use the term emotional I don’t mean some sort of sappy love story.    I mean it’s real.  A video testimonial builds trust where words can’t.   Use video to humanize your company or product!

It took years of practice to develop the skills to take a complex issue and turn it into a compelling story in under 1:30 seconds.  The most important piece of advice I can give you is keep it simple!  Know your audience and before you start, know what you want your audience to take away from the story.  

John LaBerge, Founder Press Media Communications

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Quality, frequency and the do it yourself video marketing trap

In my last blog I talked about the importance of focusing on frequency not production when it comes to video marketing.  

Today I want to expand on this just a little and also clarify some misconceptions.  

Frequency does not mean cheap.   Video marketing pieces should be professional quality.  Remember these videos represent your brand.   An unprofessional, grainy low quality video not only looks amateurish but makes your organization and your brand look amateurish as well.  The same is true with sound.  Viewers don’t notice “good” sound; however they become distracted when there is “bad” sound (off-mic, echo, crackling).  Bad sound happens when an interview is not properly mic’d up, this is most common when someone uses the microphone on their camera.   Camera microphones are there to capture nats (natural sound: birds chirping, a car engine, applause are all examples of nats).  

 ***High quality sound is just as important as high quality video.***

The great thing about today’s digital world is; it does not take a crew to produce great video.  Meaning video marketing does not have to break your budget! 

***Warning*** Don’t fall for the do it yourself trap! 

You may notice companies that offer to edit videos you shoot on your IPhone or camcorder.    The examples they use to sell their services look fantastic!  Don’t be fooled these are professionally crafted videos.   The video’s maybe shot on an IPhone, but what they don’t tell you is these videos are shot in a controlled environment with perfect lighting and sound.   Sometimes they use 3 or 4 IPhones to shoot one video.   

The do it yourself option maybe your most economical choice, but then again we go back to quality control when it comes to your brand.  

John LaBerge, Founder Press Media Communications.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Focus on frequency not production when it comes video marketing.

It does not matter if you’re a cupcake shop or a Fortune 100 company, it's essential your brand engages with clients.   Customers who engage with your product are your number one advocates; they tell their friends about you and are the backbone of your business.   This is not new, you know this!   

What I am about to tell is something you will not hear from any other video production company.  Are you ready? Here it is:  Your video is not going viral! Let me say that again, you’re not the next “Chocolate Rain”!  

Face the facts: most branded videos on YouTube get less than 1000 hits.  

The biggest mistake I see, are companies who view video like a capital expenditure, not the living constantly evolving marketing tool it’s designed to be. 

My advice: constantly update your website and customers with fresh video.  Tell them what’s new about you, your product offerings or your achievements, heck even specials!  

Bombard the web with video, more videos; mean more hits on Google.   Like the milk in your fridge video has a shelf life.   I don’t want to see the same video every time I go to your site and neither do your customers.  

Sorry for the rant but then again what are blogs for?    

If your curious this is why I started Press Media Communications.  $5,000, $11,000, $20,000 for a web video? Are you nuts? I am not going to my boss as a marketer saying look each hit cost us a 1,000 bucks.    

I produced major broadcast quality news features solo.  My work has been seen by thousands across the country.   Eli Lilly wanted to feature one of my stories for a national campaign. I spent less than three hours shooting, writing, editing and tracking that story! 

The face of video marketing is going to change in Indianapolis.  High quality web videos are not just for the big guys anymore!  

John LaBerge, Founder Press Media Communications.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Power of Video Marketing and YouTube for your business.

Why is Video Marketing and YouTube essential for Indiana businesses?

This is a question I get asked often and the answer is simple, and extremely complicated all at the same time.     

Here is what I tell my customers:  Google is in the process of taking over the world, at least when it comes to advertising.  They are the worlds most used search engine and control whether or not your company actually exists online. 

Google owns YouTube the second largest search engine in the world.   6 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube every month.  The point I am trying to make is they are huge! And you need to be a part of it!

So how has YouTube become such a monster? Sure videos are popular and I could go on forever on why they are essential for growing your business, but for the sake of this post I am going to keep it very simple: SEO. 

Google controls the playing field.  The brains behind Google are mixing YouTube media in their search results.   Many studies show video can optimize search engine performance by more than 5,000 percent.

The goal is to get seen.  Google forces YouTube optimization through their algorithms.   Often a search result for you company will pull a Youtube video about your product or competitors before your actual home page.   Reason enough to take advantage of YouTube and video marketing.  

I hope you found this post helpful.   If I had all the answers behind SEO I would be a billionaire.  SEO is a constantly changing ‘science’, video will help you stay ahead of the curve and get your company seen online.  


John LaBerge, Founder Press Media Communications.