This is not one of those stories of an entrepreneur who came up with their multi-million-dollar idea over a couple beers with friends. I have always had more than a dollar to my name and I have yet to create a corporate empire. I am still working on earning my feel good moment.

Little did I know every cold call I made, door I knocked on, rejection or sale I got put me one step closer to my true calling. I can also tell you the thought of forming a marketing company never crossed my mind at 2:00 am while on assignment about snow in the middle of January.
But it was this combination, a unique mix of sales and news experience which formed the cornerstone of Press MC.
Now to the Ah Ha moment. It was just like every other day. I was standing in the Kitchen talking with my wife when she showed me a stack of quotes. The quotes were for a web video she wanted to produce for her company.
Here comes the slap in the face, these quotes were for, $11,000! No wonder only big corporations could afford video marketing. There it was, right in front of my face! 90% percent of companies were priced out of the most exciting concept to hit the marketing world since the internet; video marketing!
I intentionally left the best part out. When you think news story you think reporter and camera man, right? Well I did it both. Were called one-man band reporters
I not only presented on-air, but I also shot and edited all of my video. I figured out how to leveling the playing field! Now every company regardless of size or budget can have high quality, expertly produced video marketing. All it took was someone who could do it all.
That’s the story of Press Media Communications. It took ten years to build and one slap in the face to start.
"Your business is your story, don't let just anyone tell it,"
John LaBerge
Principal, Press Media Communications.